It's the Mayfield Artists blog where you can see what we've been doing. We're mainly visual artists and like to play around with drawing, painting and photography and I try to stay active in musical realm. If you see something you like and might want to have, let us know. If you see something you don't like let us know that, too. Everything here is copyright protected and is not to be used anywhere else without our permission.

You'll see a lot of airplane and car stuff because we drive cars and fly planes (but there hasn't been a lot of plane flying lately...costs too much these days).

You can also check out: Christmas Cards that have been produced and sent to friends.

Political Cartoons drawn for the Santa Maria Sun by Ross can be seen here:

Friday, June 8, 2012

The RED BUG - progress

Some progress has been made on the red bug painting. Fender highlights are starting to take shape and the wheel is also coming together.

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The Green Bug

The Green Bug
This is a painting I am working on of my green 1967 VW.